- Human happiness is so fragile. 人生幸福易逝。
- The enemy of human happiness is always lying at lurch. 人类幸福的大敌总是伺机进行破坏的。
- What is so fragile even saying its name can break it? 什么是如此脆弱甚至说它的名字可以打破它?
- The glasswork is so fragile that it must put slowly. 玻璃制品易碎,必须小心轻放。
- Human happiness is the only Nothing which is intrinsically valuable, and right conduct is that which tends to maximize happiness. 人的幸福是惟一具有内在价值的东西,正确的行为有助于使幸福到达最大极限。
- This admirable principle for the furtherance of human happiness is perfectly familiar to businessmen and advertisers. 这条增进人类幸福的令人赞美的原则,商人们和从事广告宣传的人都是非常熟悉的。
- Waiting forever, I'm just a genius. Loiter on the corner of time for the memory of next moment, craving impossible hope. Everything is so fragile. 守望永恒,我是精灵。游荡在时间的角落,去寻找下一刻的回忆。企望着永远也得不到的企望,一切都显得那么的脆弱不堪。
- Designer idea: Waiting forever, I'm just a genius. Loiter on the corner of time for the memory of next moment, craving impossible hope. Everything is so fragile. 设计构思:守望永恒;我是精灵.;游荡在时间的角落;去寻找下一刻的回忆
- The world has already sunk into the dark hell,Has grown,It is so fragile and thin a piece of paper,The gentle tearing before eyes put, It is only desperate. 世界已经堕入黑暗的地狱,生,是这样脆薄的一张纸,放在眼前就轻轻的撕裂,只有绝望。
- Earthquake, the enemy of human happiness, is always lying at lurch. 地震,这个人类幸福的大敌,总是伺机作恶。
- Let her take the initiative to chase, it is extremely difficult, and in her world can not afford to refuse, that is so fragile, no matter how the surface is strong. 要让她主动去追逐,是件异常困难的事,在她的世界里无法承受拒绝,就是这么脆弱,无论表面上看来是多么的坚强。
- Serverl things after, I just wonder, Am I a murderer? Happiness is so artless, that it breaks so easily. 快乐太单纯,所以容易破碎。
- Life is so fugacious,time flies,the best happiness is that we exist ,we possess lives. 人生短暂,瞬间即过,拥有生命是最大的幸福与快乐。
- Happiness is not always annexe to wealth. 财富不一定会带来幸福。
- Marriage is originally a manifestation of love.But now, such a beautiful happiness is dominated by “betrothal gift”, it is so sad. 婚姻,本来是爱情的体现,而现在,这般美好的幸福却被彩礼所主宰,有点悲哀。
- Happiness is not always annexed to wealth. 财富并不一定会带来幸福。
- This kind of happiness is so transicient that I am so scattered that it will disappear ephemerally.Are you pretending?It won't be neccesary if you are only pitying on me. 这样的幸福眞的很虚幻.;我害怕;害怕它一转眼就消失了
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- All the happiness is your reflection but so unreal. 热闹的全都是你的幻影。
- Nothing is so fallacious as fact, except figures. 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。